- https://www.constructionbusinessowner.com/green/3-sustainable-building-trends-how-implement-them
- Title: 3 Sustainable Building Trends & How to Implement Them
- FindMySealant Version: How to Implement 3 Sustainable Building Trends
- “Growing Focus on Healthy Building Materials”:
- “The use of low volatile organic compound (VOC) paints, sealants and adhesives is already a pretty common practice on green construction projects. Low-VOC products have been featured in green building rating systems for 20 years, as it is common knowledge that the chemicals wafting out of sealant cans can be harmful to indoor air quality and human health.That particular focus on human health is much more prevalent in today’s green building certifications, featured most prominently in LEED certification, and is almost wholly the reason behind WELL and Fitwel certifications.”
- Title: 3 Sustainable Building Trends & How to Implement Them
- https://www.constructionbusinessowner.com/green/laws-leed
- Title: The Laws of LEED
- FindMySealant Version: Understanding the Laws of LEED Certification
- Great way to inform and educate users on identifying the risk of a project meant to meet LEED qualifications fails to do so
- Title: The Laws of LEED
- http://nahbnow.com/2020/10/the-value-of-third-party-inspections/
- The Value of Third Party Inspections
- FindMySealant version: “The Value of Third-Party Green Building Inspections”
- Discuss the value of third party inspections of green buildings based on a study conducted by SK Collaborative – analyzing10 newly constructed or renovated multi family affordable housing projects in Georgia, all of which received Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) awards.
- The Value of Third Party Inspections
- https://nahbnow.com/2020/11/how-to-navigate-high-performance-home-certification-programs/?_ga=2.213307408.581632981.1605203674-918133643.1605203674
- Title: How to Navigate High-Performance Home Certification Programs
- FindMySealant version: Benefits of High Performing Home Certification Programs
- Discuss the benefits as follows:
- “Elimination of long-term issues;”
- “Financial incentives, both to the customer in the form of tax credits and financing mechanisms available to builders;”
- “Increased occupant health and comfort, including allergy and asthma reduction;”
- “The potential for a higher resale value; and”
- “Environmental benefits, such as reducing both the energy footprint and the use of toxic building materials (improving the quality of air within the home as well).”
- Title: How to Navigate High-Performance Home Certification Programs
- http://nahbnow.com/2019/02/energy-efficiency-and-indoor-air-quality-top-buyers-green-preferences/
- Title: Energy Efficiency and Indoor Air Quality Top Buyers’ Green Preferences
- FindMySealant version: “The Importance of energy efficiency & air quality to Green Building home buyers”
- Title: Energy Efficiency and Indoor Air Quality Top Buyers’ Green Preferences
- http://nahbnow.com/2020/04/green-building-programs-revise-inspection-procedures-for-covid-19-precautions/
- Updated Inspection Procedures for Green Building Certification Programs
- https://www.builderonline.com/building/safety-healthfulness/managing-construction-during-coronavirus_o
- Construction Project Management considerations during COVID-19
- https://www.constructiondive.com/news/youve-been-cited-by-osha-now-what/588605/
- OSHA Violations: Overcoming and Handling an OSHA Citation
- https://www.constructiondive.com/news/more-construction-firms-see-the-value-of-lean/555860/
- The Value of Applying Lean Construction Practices
- https://www.constructiondive.com/news/5-tips-for-winning-a-leed-project/517869/
- Considerations for Winning a LEED Project: 5 Tips for your Success!